All in one.

Finance 2.0 with brand new PSD2 APIs, connect your account easily to unlock a totally upgraded savings experience.

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Life with 6 month's salary in savings is one click away. Personalised and automated financial habits are now available with Daysave AI -- and earn guaranteed interest.

Fast and intuitive
Starting has never been so easy, and there's no need to ever change.
Great feedback
Early adopters are in love with the results they have got starting saving.
Daysave AI
More than budgeting - See your financial potential and reach it.
App - Webflow Template

What do I get?

Control on spending

See personalised insights into your financial habits and behaviours.

Rewards on savings

When you reach your savings goals your interest on savings is increased up to 3x!

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Every user starts from an unique situation, and we tailor your experience to best fit your financial starting point. Now is good time to start!

Automatic savings

We help you discover your full potential. Reach your money goals with a fully gamified method.

Full control

Savings suggestions and spending insights daily - follow habit improvements and rewards.

Quick connect

Sign up with your bank as fast as paying online - in 1 minute; We work with 2300 banks.

Continuous savings made fun!

Reach out to learn from our experiences and learn from how we do it.